I have no idea how many people have read these posts or how many may have become more aware of their actions and made shifts through reading them, but I would like to give THANKS for all the people who HAVE let me know of changes they have made to help our beloved Earth. I am SOOOO grateful every time someone tells me about some new shift or discovery they have made, so keep talking to me!!!! It gives me hope. And I also give thanks for the ones I don't know about!
I am truly grateful for the dear friends and family that I have who are actively searching for ways to do less harm and are willing to listen to my rants! It is always amazing to talk with someone who "gets" how important it is to everything that exists in this world that we as a species become aware of what we are doing. Thank you for caring enough to act.
I give thanks that environmental issues have become a GLOBAL conversation with more and more people realizing how we must act to help the Earth and do it swiftly. A few years ago "going green" was not the popular phrase it is now. More and more stores are offering CHOICES of things that don't destroy our planet, so as people become more conscious they can shop at the stores they usually do and still care for this place we all call home.
Then there is my Mom. I have been so moved by how determined she is to find ways to be kinder to Creation. This woman does research! I cannot tell you the number of phone calls and letters asking me about some new product to try or telling me of some discovery she has made to make a difference. And there are all the phone calls and letters to stores and companies to ask about Earth friendly products. Makes me squirm with delight. I am so thankful for all of it. YAY Mom!
Lastly, I offer here a song for this Thanksgiving celebration.
We come together to share our Stories
We come together to share our Love
We come together to blend our Voices
This is my Heart Song
We come together to walk in Sacredness
We come together to walk in Peace
We come together to join the Circle
This is my Heart Song
We come together to live in Thankfulness
We come together to live in Joy
We come together to be One Spirit
This is my Heart Song
So to all my readers, whoever and wherever you may be, I give thanks for you, and
Thanks for listening!
Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy 1 year of blogging! Can't wait for more in the years to come! Your blog is amazing I love reading it!
Erin, Marc and Claire :)
ah beauteous. a blog from long ago and still you are in service to all of man and woman kind. a blessing you are my friend.