Sunday, November 14, 2010


Lately I have been watching a lot of videos on enviro things rather than just reading articles, and I keep finding more I want to share. Here is another brilliant one, only 2 minutes long, and so inspiring! (The link is different from what I usually do. Just click on the picture below.) I find it really powerful when it is YOUTH teaching us about caring for Creation. I love this line: "Stop trying to raise awareness, and instead raise CARE"!!!!! YES. I have found what he says to be so true; people may be aware of an issue but not necessarily care enough to DO something. And I cannot even count the number of times someone I am talking with dismisses a harmful action with "I don't do it very often", or "it's not that much". I LOVE when he says "people need to not do it AT ALL!". Tell it like it is J.D.
So how does one inspire care?
Thanks for listening, and caring!

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