Saturday, January 30, 2010


Since the last blog was the longest one ever, this one will be the shortest ever!

I don't know how many of you who read these posts are doing the "click to donate" thing I mentioned in an earlier blog, but that same site just added Help Haiti to the list, and the donations are still FREE for you, all you have to do is click. I know how everyone wants to do something to help, and this way you can help every single day! The donations are paid for by sponsors on the site every time you click, and this particular one goes to the work Oxfam is doing in Haiti. It takes a few seconds, and you get to help even if you don't have money to send. All you need is a computer and a mouse. So...the site is and once you are there go to the "click to donate" section and you will see Help Haiti in the list. While you are there don't stop with Haiti when you can help other causes as well! It is only a few seconds of your day for each one. The more people that click the more financial support these causes get. So GO CLICK every day when you are on the computer. YES!

Thanks for listening (and clicking).

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