Sunday, January 10, 2010


When I got into the water today I was enfolded by LOVE. And guess what? Love is colorful! I was completely surrounded by a school of fish of mixed species, swirling and playing around me so no matter where I turned there was brilliance. Purple, blue, green, yellow, black, orange, red, white, glinting in the sunlight and flashing from one color to the next as they swarmed in perfect, wild disarray. There was nothing to do but stay still and take it all in, deep within. Remember this moment and how it looked and felt. For this is the reef that the rancher above wants to cover in cattle dung. How can this be? Money.

Love of Creation, or money. How often does love of Creation come into our thoughts when we are about to make a decision to spend or earn money? When you head into Starbucks, does love of Creation enter into your mind? When you buy a new car, or clothes, or the latest gadgets, is there at least a moment when you stop to consider the effect these things have on the beauty of this planet that is disappearing? And if not, then it is time to consciously invite those thoughts in, and let them inform the decisions we make on a daily basis. Getting money and spending money has become all-consuming in our society (pun intended). Love of Creation has been pushed to some far away corner only to be hauled out in our "spare time" or when we are on "vacation". Love of Creation needs a promotion. Front and center of EVERY decision.

The world conference on the environment that just happened in Copenhagen in December was shocking in it's inability to motivate the richest Nations to step up with agreements to curb pollution of our Earth. And why? It would harm the wealth they are committed to. So help the Earth or help their wealth and the big Nations unanimously choose wealth. At what point do we wake up to realize money will be absolutely useless on a planet that is not livable???? Money will not buy another planet when we have made this a toxic wasteland. There were truly poignant, impassioned pleas from smaller Nations that are already suffering the ravages of the Earth being poisoned, and the only answer they received from the big Nations was that it would adversely effect their wealth to stop polluting. WOW. Not only has love of Creation been left in the wake of money, but so has love for Humanity.

How can we turn this around? We need to let the leaders of our Countries know this is no longer how we want to live our lives. They are responding to the way we live our lives as consumers. The majority needs to not only be willing to change the way we consume, but actively STATE that it is no longer acceptable to put money ahead of love. No more silence. No more being afraid to ask others to make choices that don't harm. No more dismissing those who are asking us all to pay attention. They MUST BE HEARD. Everything we do to make money and spend money must start reflecting a love of Creation and Humanity as a whole. There was a time in older societies where ALL life was Sacred. The life of the Earth and the lives of others. It is time to live that again. The time for money as the number one motivation is done. It is time for love to take that place again. PLEASE be part of a new majority. Talk, listen, think about what is happening to Creation, and then ACT. YES!

I leave you with a quote that was spoken long before we even got to the point of destruction we are at today:
"If future generations are to remember us with gratitude rather than contempt, we must leave them something more than the miracles of technology. We must leave them a glimpse of the world as it was in the beginning, not just after we got through with it."– President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agreed! I love that quote, too. I am having issues with the Dept of Education in this respect. The students now don't even have to lift a pencil to take the state assessment! It is all computerized (because the state can not pay for someone to manually grade the tests)! What happened to assessing whether a kid can use a pen and paper? Although computerized tests are possibly more eco-friendly, what are we teaching our children? The art of the hand-written letter is already by the wayside. I believe it will soon be extinct!

    I say all of this because, to me, expecting people to be personable is teaching them to care on a personal level about what they do. Be it a genuine, hand-written letter, or taking a stand against something that will harm the environment, our values must turn back to caring for the natural world. Spreading cow dung on a reef is an obvious selfish decision. Could be a decision coming from a lifetime of impersonal expectations?

    Much aloha to you
