Friday, November 13, 2009


Yesterday was the most INCREDIBLE day! I got up early (those who know me are laughing right now), to go to a traditional Hawaiian blessing ceremony of the land for a new community garden that is opening up in Kilauea. It was PHENOMENAL! The Kumu (teacher) who was leading the ceremony was oozing presence and reverence, and the ceremony was so powerful. She began by saying the Ancient Hawaiians essentially worshiped Nature, and there were specific gods that reigned over the land and water and air. So she was calling for the blessing of those things, so that the ground would be fruitful as it began a new life as a garden to feed many. She did gorgeous chants as others prepared ceremonial beds to plant taro and sweet potato and breadfruit, all essential parts of the life of Ancient Hawaiians. She had created a sacred entrance to the garden with field stones and all were blessed with water that had been sung to as it was being poured into the gourds! Delicious. Even the day itself was auspicious as the Hawaiians had just 2 seasons, dry and wet, and that day marked the transition from one to the other, hence a time for new life and a new planting season.

Ancient Hawaiians, like all aboriginal groups, had SO much respect for the land, and treated it with great sacredness. As she spoke about many of the beliefs, I was so grateful that here was someone who still knew of the Ancient ways and was willing to pass them on to new generations. For a long time Hawaiians were forbidden to practice the "old" ways. I have an Auntie here who is Hawaiian, but is only learning about her culture and language as an adult! When she was a child it was the time of "Westernization" and kids were only allowed to practice "Western" things and learn English. Wow. Of course this happened all over the world with colonization, but here I get to learn about it intimately rather than from books. And the "Western" way was not to treat the land as sacred, but to dominate it. Force it to do what you want in whatever way necessary, rather than work with Nature in a harmonious way. Sadly, that is still what "Western" growing methods are. So it was absolutely gorgeous to hear someone talk about a reverence for the land in growing food. We need to listen to these people that still know how to work with Nature, not fight Her, and re-learn the old wisdom. It gave me hope for a future where the Earth is cared for. Harmony between Nature and humans must become the rule, not the exception.

The space itself is so BEAUTIFUL, nestled in trees with unbelievable views of the mountains and waterfalls. And another thing that gave me hope: the land was donated by a wealthy landowner!!!!!!!!!! YES! Someone who has more than they need giving to others who don't have land. How refreshing! So the plots are being offered to the community for just 35 dollars and then you can plant whatever you want. Amazing. There will be SO many people helped by this land in a time when many are struggling to buy food for their families.

I went from all that power and beauty to my favorite place to do my swim and yoga at Larsens, and there was the most incredible LIGHTNING storm! Talk about power and beauty. I've never seen that at Larsens in a year and 1/2 of going there and it was soooooooooooo spectacular! The storm was out over the sea, and stationary, so I didn't have to run for cover. There was a band of clouds, a gap, and another band higher, with the lightning running up and down the bands sideways like arpeggios on a piano. Then every so often it would jump from one band to the other, sometimes shooting UP from the lower one, sometimes starting at "middle C" and leaping both left and right on the piano simultaneously. I was TRANSFIXED. And I couldn't even do yoga because I kept missing moments when I was upside down so I just stopped and watched. Because it was out over the water it would light up the entire ocean and waves just for a second of brilliant blue and white, and then back to blackness. It went on for more than an hour, before starting to dissipate. WOW! Blessings.

It seemed so appropriate somehow with what I had just experienced at the new garden. Something ancient and powerful enlightening us now if we are willing to stop and learn. And lightning bolts are hard to ignore! It's time to pay attention. Listen. Nature is TALKING.
Thanks for listening.( suddenly a double meaning!)

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