Tuesday, January 11, 2011


A MIRACLE just happened. One year ago in October of 09 I wrote about my favorite place in the world, a beautiful coastal wilderness, being threatened with immense destruction. If you want to read it: http://lightoneden.blogspot.com/2009/10/saving-larsens.html The post finishes with the line "I look forward to telling you Larsens has been saved!!!" Well, it took a year and 3 months, but we GOT our miracle. Last night I received word that the permit to cut down the forest above the reef and turn it into cattle pasture has been surrendered! Incredible. When I got the news I didn't dance in joy, I sat very still in complete awe. Stunned. But somehow the whales already knew, because when I had been down there at the beach in the afternoon they were having a PARTY! There were DOZENS of them and I have never seen so much jumping in my life. At times there were 2 in the air at once, jumping again and again. Truly a celebration. Well this morning it really sank in, and I rushed over there to tell all the ocean creatures that might not have heard the amazing news, "your home has been saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I like to think that on some level they understand. Then my own celebration began, and continues still. What a way to begin 2011!!

For those of you who have never been to Larsens this may not mean much. But this place has been a CONSERVATION DISTRICT for decades, and the forest on the hillside above the beach has kept the reef alive. It is the only place on the entire North and East shores where the endangered monk seals have their pups. I'm sure they have chosen it as a nursery because the reef is still protected. All that was about to change drastically. How a permit got issued to create cattle pasture in a conservation district is a complete mystery. But perseverance from those of us that wanted to see it remain protected has at last paid off. It has been long and exhausting in many ways, but entirely worth it!

So if you are actively trying to save something wherever you are, DON'T GIVE UP! Miracles really CAN occur, and one just did. THANK YOU to all of you who have lent your support through this. All the creatures of this place thank you as well. Let's go save some more sacred places!!!!! E malama i ka Heiau. Hold this land in Sacredness. YES!
Thanks for listening.


  1. Well done! That is great news-I know how important this was to you and all "your" creatures!


  2. Thank you from ALL of us, even those that were far away in other parts of the world when this was happening. What a gift YOU and the others who worked so hard on this! YEA we still have Larsen's! Sunni K

  3. AAAAWWWEEESSSOOOOMMMEEEEE!!!!!!! We are so stoked for this news!!! Woohoo!!! BLESS YOU ALL!
