Monday, December 13, 2010
One of the delicious new things in my life is a practice of sacred council. A group of friends gathers in a circle, and a question is posed. In the last council the question was "What is Healing". Then each person gets to address the question through the use of a "talking stick". Whoever holds the stick may speak without interruption, so all others in the circle are just listening. It creates a beautiful and intense focus. I have attended a few of these councils now and they are always juicy!
Near the end of my swim each day is an area by one of the channels to the open ocean where the water gets deeper, about 15 feet, and the honu come and go through the channel so it is a wonderful place to encounter them. They often will swim up to me and circle me, but on the first day of this sequence a council was formed! I had stopped swimming as one approached and it stopped as well, just off to my right. Then another came and stopped to my left, and two more moved in diagonally and stopped, all facing the center of the circle we had formed! I realized the council had formed, but what was the question??? We all hung there for awhile, and then they began to disperse, and I found myself saying "wait, I didn't hear yet"!
The next day in the exact same spot one approached me and swam RIGHT UP TO MY FACE, looked in my eyes, and stopped for a moment. Then it swam off and the next came and did the same thing! And the next, and the next. I know they are trying to tell me something, but what?
On day three I have just had a conversation with a friend who talked about singing to the dolphins and how they LOVE it, so I thought I would try singing to the honu and see what happens. So I get to the magic spot and one swims up to me and I start to sing, and it literally JUMPS away from me in the water! I swear it frowned at me, and swam off. Thinking maybe that turtle was just crabby that day, I decided I would try again, and as 2 more came up to me I began singing again. The exact same reaction! But this time one of them turned to look at me as it swam off and this is what I heard: "What do you think I am, a DOLPHIN?" I started laughing SO hard inside my mask. I finally heard something! And then this revelation came. Turtles are completely silent creatures. Dolphins and seals and whales all make sounds and songs, but not turtles. O.k., so I will communicate in silence with them.
Day 4, and a HUGE ancient honu about 5 feet in length swims right up beside me and touches it's shell on my arm while it is looking deeply into my eyes. Then this enormous question washes over me: "Why are you doing this to my Home". I just started to cry. All I could say was "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Whether that question actually came from the honu, or from my own heart doesn't really matter. Because the answer is the same. I don't know why we are doing this to the ocean. Because we can? Because no-one is stopping us, and we aren't stopping ourselves. We are still dumping toxic chemicals down the drain every day, throwing plastic away every day, burning oil every day, eating seafood even though 90% of fish stocks have been depleted. Because we can. That is why we are doing this to the turtle's home. And the seals, and dolphins and whales. Because no-one is stopping us.
Day 5, and in the same spot there is a SEAL just laying on the bottom motionless tucked up against a coral head. I've never seen a seal do this before, and as I get closer I realize with horror it has what looks like a rope around it's neck. My first thought is it has been tangled in fishing gear, which often happens to the seals, and it has become stuck on the coral head and can't surface to breath. HELP! I have no idea how long it has been there already or if it is even alive, so I dive down to get a closer look, and it opens it's eyes. YES. So it is still alive. Then it begins to slowly move away from the coral head and I realize the rope is not attached to the coral. It swam right up to me and as it got closer I could see it was in fact not a rope but a scar from a rope that had been there, deep and black. And down the left side of it's body was a series of propeller scars from a boat strike, probably when it was entangled and couldn't get away. As it looked at me with those HUGE eyes, I heard a new question: "Do you see what you have done". More tears. Yes, I see. I see.
The addendum to this story came the day after I wrote this down to put it in a blog. Two honu came up to me, one nuzzled right up under my belly, and the other put it's front flipper on my right hand. This time I felt like they were thanking me, and this thought appeared: "We need you to speak for us. We don't have a voice."
I'm sure my experiences with these magnificent creatures are not done, but these are my 5 days of clarity where I finally heard. So I will speak for them. I ask the questions of you that they asked of me.
Why are you doing this to their Home?
And do you see what you have done?
Thanks for listening, and caring.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Bring back the Sacred!
A sense of Holy we must renew.
May it be so.
Thanks for listening.
Monday, November 29, 2010
It's found at and the people who dreamt this up need all kinds of extra points from whoever is doling them out. It is a site where you can donate to help people living in poverty in countries all over the world. There are pictures and bios so you can pick who you want your money to go to and read about what they need it for. But wait, it gets better! This is done as a LOAN, so there is a re-payment plan set up! These people are too poor to qualify for loans from a bank, but they need money to help them out for some specific goal. It is empowering people rather than just keeping them in a cycle of poverty. Give them an opportunity and they do the rest. Often someone needs money as a start-up to buy something, and then they can fly! Sweet.
The first woman I gave a loan to lives in Cambodia and makes about 2 dollars a day selling veggies in a market. She was requesting a loan to buy a bike to help carry more produce to the market. Right now she probably carries as much as she can on her HEAD, and walks 10 miles with it! I saw that when I was living in Borneo so I can picture it. The minimum loan is 25 dollars, but what is 25 bucks to some of us in our abundance? To her it is 2 weeks wages. Wow.
But there's even more! When the loan is paid back it goes into my account at Kiva and I can withdraw it if I want to, OR I can use the same money to invest in someone else!!!!!!!!!!!!! Truly the gift that keeps on giving! You don't ever have to invest more money if you don't want to, but with the original gift you get to keep helping more and more people. Incredible. They have gift certificates on the site as well if you are doing the donation as a gift for someone you know, and that person can choose who they give the loan to! I'm so amazed by the whole thing.
So if you are looking for a beautiful gift for someone you love for this Holiday season, or throughout the year for birthdays or whatever, you could give gifts to 2 people at the same time! Someone in your life, AND someone who can use a helping hand. What could be better?
Thanks for listening.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
1. Buy Less.
Seems a no-brainer. The more things we accumulate that we don't really need from people who think they have to buy us "something", the more that winds up in the landfill. While it is really fun to give, most of the gifts now are so destructive to the world we live in. So much plastic! So much manufacturing waste. We don't need to add to that in order to give.
2. Re-Give.
(What an odd sounding word.) There are many things you may have received that you don't use or enjoy that someone else may need or adore! When I was doing my huge "cleanse" to downsize before moving to Kauai, it was so fun finding new homes for things I didn't want to take with me. I thought I didn't have much "stuff" to start with, but it was amazing how much I had to give in my closets. There is an organization online at where you can get things to give to others for free! Craigslist also has a "free" section under the "For Sale" column. And of course you can post things there you want to give away if you can't find another home for them.
3. Donate.
One of the wonderful traditions started in my family awhile ago is making a donation in someones name to an organization that person would want to support. There is money flowing to a fantastic cause, rather than to a "thing" that sits on a shelf or in a store room. It is exciting to me that the Earth can get extra help at this time of year if people are willing to give in this way.
4. Talents.
When we are kids we make things for people. Like the painting Mom still has hanging and says she likes, or the pot holder she still uses. (Yes, it's true). But who says we can't do this as adults? One of the most delicious gifts I ever got was a 2 hour massage from a professional massage therapist friend of mine. BLISS! Someone may be able to offer tutoring on a computer to another who is lost. (That would be me). Write a poem or song as a gift if you are a writer or singer. I have a friend who is a pianist and donates himself as entertainment for parties as a gift. Is there some skill you have that others could be blessed by?
5. Time.
Even if you feel you are a talent free zone, time is a gift that many can use. Babysit for a couple with kids so they can have a night out. Be a chauffeur for someone who has no car. Clean someones car, or house. (Well maybe not the WHOLE house...). You can create a "certificate" to be redeemed for a certain number of hours of your time. Lots of people need gifts of time!
6. Free Tickets.
Give a subscription to season tickets for something fantastic! Or maybe just a single show of something passing through. A year's admission to a museum, art gallery, arboretum. That gift keeps on giving the entire year.
7. FOOD!
O.K, who doesn't like food? Maybe you want to not like it so it won't tempt you, but you DO. Everyone needs to eat. Making food to give as gifts feels very special to the person receiving. "You made this yourself? Wow." Even if it's not yummy to them, the love that went into it is what is received. Your shopping is no more than a few extra items the next time you are at the grocery store.
8. Re-use.
A lot of the wrapping, bows and bags that things come in can be re-used. I had such a collection of gift bags and bows from packages I got over the years I gave a bunch away on my big "cleanse" and I still have more to use this year. Even the wrapping paper if it is taken off carefully can be used again another year. Just cut off the parts with tape and voila, new paper with no trip to the store. (Just don't give it back to the same person...hee!)
9. Recycle.
There is so much packaging on new products but lots of it can go to recycling rather than the landfill. And all those holiday cards and envelopes can be put in paper recycling. Here in Hawaii they do not have curbside recycling (on an ISLAND!...don't get me started...), but ALL paper can be recycled, and both cardboard AND paperboard, if you know where to take it. Check with your local recycling centers for what they accept. In most places none of it has to go to the landfill.
10. E cards.
Lots of people give cards only at the holidays, and have a HUGE list! But now we have the Internet and don't need to cut down forests any more to send a card. Of course there are cards printed on recycled paper, but they are still made in factories adding to the pollution. We can step out of all of that. There are many online card "stores", and most are free! Even better. The cards can be SO creative, even singing and dancing for the recipient. How fun is that?! So give tons of cards and create no waste. Wow.
I know there are lots of ways not mentioned here to give gifts that don't involve buying at a store and more stuff for the landfill. I hope this list has given you ideas to make your own holiday season this year more loving and stress free for both you AND the Earth! YES!
Thanks for listening.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I have no idea how many people have read these posts or how many may have become more aware of their actions and made shifts through reading them, but I would like to give THANKS for all the people who HAVE let me know of changes they have made to help our beloved Earth. I am SOOOO grateful every time someone tells me about some new shift or discovery they have made, so keep talking to me!!!! It gives me hope. And I also give thanks for the ones I don't know about!
I am truly grateful for the dear friends and family that I have who are actively searching for ways to do less harm and are willing to listen to my rants! It is always amazing to talk with someone who "gets" how important it is to everything that exists in this world that we as a species become aware of what we are doing. Thank you for caring enough to act.
I give thanks that environmental issues have become a GLOBAL conversation with more and more people realizing how we must act to help the Earth and do it swiftly. A few years ago "going green" was not the popular phrase it is now. More and more stores are offering CHOICES of things that don't destroy our planet, so as people become more conscious they can shop at the stores they usually do and still care for this place we all call home.
Then there is my Mom. I have been so moved by how determined she is to find ways to be kinder to Creation. This woman does research! I cannot tell you the number of phone calls and letters asking me about some new product to try or telling me of some discovery she has made to make a difference. And there are all the phone calls and letters to stores and companies to ask about Earth friendly products. Makes me squirm with delight. I am so thankful for all of it. YAY Mom!
Lastly, I offer here a song for this Thanksgiving celebration.
We come together to share our Stories
We come together to share our Love
We come together to blend our Voices
This is my Heart Song
We come together to walk in Sacredness
We come together to walk in Peace
We come together to join the Circle
This is my Heart Song
We come together to live in Thankfulness
We come together to live in Joy
We come together to be One Spirit
This is my Heart Song
So to all my readers, whoever and wherever you may be, I give thanks for you, and
Thanks for listening!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
So how does one inspire care?
Thanks for listening, and caring!
Friday, November 5, 2010
So why do I keep trying to show people they are doing harm when it is so painful and risky? Because I believe it honors the truth that LIFE calls us to. I believe God, or the Life Force, or whatever you want to call that power, does not want us to harm ourselves, others or this magnificent creation. I could just stay silent and observe all the harm being done, but then my silence is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Speaking up is difficult, but imperative if anything is going to change. And so I continue to step out into sometimes very painful interactions, rather than going with the "flow" of what people are doing that is harmful.
I would like to propose something radical. Be one of the ones who swims against the current! Don't just get swept along with the millions of people who "go with the flow" and are not interested in looking at the harm they do. Be willing to look at the harm you do and ways to lessen that. And be brave enough to challenge those around you to make choices that bring healing rather than harm to this Earth and themselves both. Imagine a day when the "flow" of the majority actually sweeps you toward CARING for our beautiful home! Let's build a new current. Will you help?
Thanks for listening.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
How many of you reading this consume some or all of these things? And how many of you actually WANT to get cancer. I'm sure the answer is no-one wants to. And cancer is not the only disease now linked to food choices. There are so MANY linked to food, from diabetes to heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Alzheimer's, and on and on. So when does the majority start to connect what they want in health to what they buy in food? I know SO many people that think they can't afford organic food, but they pay HUGE health care bills because of what the non-organic food is depositing in their bodies! So would you rather pay the farmer or pay the hospital? (I must give credit for that last line to a VERY savvy teenager who did an incredible talk about our current food system. I need to post his video for you to see.) The latest research has now discovered that the chemicals sprayed on plants are not just on the surface. They are actually absorbed from the soil through the roots so there are toxic chemicals in the cells of the plants. Yikes.
There is another aspect to this circle of food and that is wasted food. Everyone knows that restaurants throw a lot away, but are you aware of how much food is thrown from U.S. households? The figure is 28%! Astounding. Just 5% could feed ALL the hungry in this country. And listen to this: more energy is wasted from food thrown away each year than is extracted from ALL the oil and gas reserves on U.S. coastlines in the same year. So we are extracting oil to manufacture, package and transport food that is going to be tossed. WOW! I have witnessed this kind of waste with my own eyes. Things get left in the fridge so long they can no longer be used and go in the trash. At the end of a meal all that is left over gets tossed. My niece used to call me "hoover" (affectionately of course) because I would clean up everyone's plate at the end of dinner so it wouldn't get thrown out. Why is it o.k. to throw so much out? Because we can. Because we aren't starving. Because we have money to go buy more. What if everyone suddenly didn't do that any more? What if you eat everything in your fridge before it goes bad and if you can't finish what's on your plate you put it away for another time? Think of the oil that wouldn't have to be pumped out of the Earth to keep this circle of waste going. PLEASE consider this the next time you are upset about an oil spill. How your own food choices are part of this circle.
We really CAN wake up people. And this beautiful Earth NEEDS us to wake up and look at ALL our choices because EVERYTHING we do is part of the circle. Even the cup of coffee or tea to start the day makes a difference. So go make a difference in every meal.Thanks for listening.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Ballet tights
nylon cord
women's polyester blouses
women's polyester pants
nylon zippers
plastic hangers
permanent press clothing
thongs/flip flops
fake fur
garment bags
shoe laces
rain coats
iron-on patches
men's nylon undershirts
sofa pillow material
men's polyester shirts
men's polyester slacks
tote bags
Ball point pens
typewriter ribbon/cartridges
business card holders
waste baskets
printer ribbon cartridges
carbon paper
name tags
correction fluid
ring binder
letter divider
scotch tape
magic markers
Back packs
fishing lures
air mattresses
Polaroid camera
beach balls
fishing poles
hang gliders
vinyl cases
glue containers
golf ball/bags
shotgun shell casing
ear plugs
knitting needles
waterproof jackets
stadium cushion
tennis racket
fabric dye
life jacket
nylon strings
face protectors
volley balls
model cars
plastic water gun
fishing bobbers
soccer balls
oil paints
fishing cylume light stick
playing cards
mono filament fishing lines
diving boards
poker chips
roller-skate wheels
guitar strings
ice chests
sleeping bags
pole vaulting poles
motorcycle helmets
rubber cement
plastic flower pots
water skis
hot tub covers
monkey bars
photo albums
wet suits
tennis balls
insulated boots
Acrylic toys
baby oil
laundry basket
waterproof pants
baby aspirin
bath soap
baby blanket
double-knit shirts
baby bottles
disposable diapers
baby shoes
teething ring
stuffed animals
baby lotion
Allergy medication
cotton-tipped swabs
inhalator liquid
first aid cream
lancet for blood testing
pill case
band aids
first aid kits
latex gloves
prescription bottle
burn lotion
mosquito spray
rubbing alcohol
chap stick
heart valve replacement
nasal decongestant
surgical tape
hearing aids
artificial limbs
eye glasses
oxygen masks
prescription glasses
hair brushes
permanent wave curlers
hair color
petroleum jelly
foam rubber curlers
denture adhesives
contact lens/case
hair spray
hand lotion
shaving foam
cough syrup
hearing aids
hair dryers
shoe inserts
Keri body lotion
face masks
skin cleanser
moisturizing cream
soap holder
disposable razors
leather conditioner
mouth wash
sun glasses
facial toner
lens cleanser
nail polish
tooth brushes
toothpaste tubes
synthetic wigs
bubble bath
vinegar bottles
egg carton
meat trays
trash bags
bread box
freezer containers
melamine dishware
cake decorations
microwave divided dishes
freezer bags
milk jugs
vacuum bottles
gelatin molds
nylon spatulas
wax paper
coffee pots
ice cream scoops
oven bags
drinking cups
ice trays
plastic containers
fabric softener
liter bottles
plastic table service
drain stoppers
dish drainer
lunch boxes
pudding molds
dish scrubber brush
drinking straws
paper cup dispenser
measuring cups
Teflon coated pans
table cloths
refrigerator shelves
Carpet padding
Venetian blinds
TV cabinets
extension cords
picture frames
flocked wallpaper
shower doors
refrigerator lining
vinyl-coated wallpaper
kitchen carpet
shag carpet
welcome mats
fan blades
shower curtain
patio furniture
upholstery material
caulking material
light switch plates
faucet washer
measuring tape
polyurethane stain
water pipe
electric saw
paint brush
propane bottles
wood floor cleaner/wax
vinyl electrical tape
plastic pipe
shingles (asphalt)
light panels
garden hose
plastic wood
spackling paste
glazing compound
spray paint
epoxy paint
artificial turf
folding doors
floor wax
house paint
paint rollers
toilet seats
water pipes
roofing material
plywood adhesive
flat tire fix
street paving (asphalt)
car battery case
motor oil
loud speakers
bearing grease
sports car bodies
traffic cones
car enamel
brake fluid
dash boards
windshield wipers
car sound insulation
oil filters
car seats
convertible tops
fan belts
Ash trays
dog food dishes
tool boxes
dog leash
tape recorders
synthetic rubber
bubble gum
dog toys
nylon rope
bungee strap
flight bags
disposable lighters
cassette player
flea collars
lighter fluid
cigarette case
electric blankets
tool racks
name tags
cigarette filters
newspaper tubes
calibrated container
insect repellent
food preservatives
phonograph records
ice buckets
credit cards
fly swatter
plastic cup holder
movie film
plastic tie
rain bonnets
video cassettes
charcoal lighter
safety glasses
safety gloves
safety hats
shoe polish
cassette tapes
watch bands
waterproof boots
shopping bags
bed spreads
traffic cones
check books covers
tobacco pouches
clothes hangers
flea collars
masking tape
safety flares
Wow. And the website says this is a "partial" list! So what now? How do we shift this??? Look at what you could either do without, or find an alternative that does NOT require more drilling to keep these things in our lives. If we continue to buy all these things we continue to say we want more drilling. If that is NOT what we want, then we need to be CLEAR. That means changing our lives in ways that we maybe have never considered before. We must not go back to business as usual now that this gushing oil is stopped. Let this catapult us in a new direction. It is time.
Thanks for listening and making new choices.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Below are some lists of what fruits and vegetables contain the highest and lowest amounts of chemical residue. By avoiding the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables, you can apparently lower your pesticide consumption by close to 80 percent!!!! And these tests were done AFTER the produce was power-washed by the USDA, so washing does not remove all these scary things from our food. Again, YIKES! Organic looks better and better.
Sweet bell peppers
Spinach,Kale and Collard Greens
Sweet corn
Sweet peas
Kiwi fruit
Sweet potatoes
Sweet onions
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
"This is the new measure of time. Our world's clock now beats to the rhythm of indefatigable machines tapping into the pocket of sunlight. (oil) The whole planet is attentive to these metronomes of our hopes and illusions."
"Everywhere machines dig, bore and rip from the Earth the pieces of stars buried in its depths since its creation." (minerals)
"They are the only natural element in perpetual movement toward the sky." (trees)
Please, please make time to watch this film. We need to know what we are doing to our HOME.
Thanks for listening, and watching.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
So how do we turn this around? I don't know. But I do know that every single one of those 6.8 billion has choices to make and every single one of us either helps or harms every day. We don't have an option of stepping out of the picture. There is no other planet to move to when we use this one up. So my prayer is that a WILD majority will magically appear that is conscious of how we are altering our home, and that we can shift this avalanche we have set in motion. By the next Earth Day it needs to be an every day thing in people's lives to care for her, not just once a year.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
These are remarkable birds. They spend half their life at sea, and come to land in the winter to have their chicks, and some nest on the cliffs around Larsens. So they are there every day right now, soaring magnificently, and sometimes buzzing really low over my head! During the summer they go to sea and can stay there floating around for 6 MONTHS! Apparently they have a joint in their wings they can lock in place which allows them to sleep while the air currents just carry them around. Imagine going to sleep near Hawaii and waking up by Japan! Hmmm, where am I this morning?
Flying back from a trip to Oahu just now, I went by a display in the Kauai airport about albatross including a picture of the contents of an albatross stomach from an autopsy. It showed a huge pile of human debris including cigarette lighters and glass and all forms of plastic. What looks like a beautiful mosaic at the top of this paragraph is a picture of the contents of ONE dead bird's stomach. These birds are dying because they ingest so much of our human trash and can't digest it so eventually their stomachs are full and they starve because there is no room for actual food. Wow. Our gift for the birds. And what are we doing about?